Literature is also Art
Other than painting, I also love to write. I mean who doesn't love a good story? Just as with my paintings my writing incorporates the expression and processing of feelings, as it is a subject that is very close to my heart. I also like to touch upon important and sometimes difficult themes such as feminism, equality and inequality, injustice, power struggles, and particularly human relationships. I find we have so much to learn from each other and at the same time learning and growing together is easily forgotten in our daily life filled with mundane struggles. Relationships can be very complex and difficult to navigate and that's why I find writing about them so interesting and therapeutic.
I also write openly about and for female pleasure. For my English speaking readers, I write under my pen name Sara Noona. I have a special place in my heart for female pleasure and freedom of expression, and in my light romance novels I deliver exactly that. Speaking about pleasure can feel very taboo and vulnerable, but I have chosen to write about it anyways, in hopes of contributing to a future world of less shaming, and instead more acceptance and understanding.
"Petetyn naisen viha on yksi voimakkaimmista tunteista äidinrakkauden jälkeen"
Pettäjäloukku on tunteikas tarina kolmekymppisestä Hennasta, joka miehensä pettämänä ja kostonhaluisena päättää pyydystää ja paljastaa jokaisen pettäjämiehen jonka hän Tinderistä löytää.
Oikealta löytyy linkin BoD:n verkkokauppaan jossa saatavilla sekä pokkari että e-kirja. Samalta sivulta myös lukunäyte! ->
Kirja on saatavilla näista kaupoista:
• BoD-kirjakauppa, Suomalainen Kirjakauppa, Prisma, Booky.fi, Cdon, Adlibris, Amazon, Elisa Kirja.
Bongattu myös @nextory
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➡️ Kirjabloggaajat ja toimittajat voivat pyytää ilmaisen arvostelukappaleen lehdisto@bod.fi

Contemporary Romance
"This was exactly the type of sexy, swoony, angsty love story I was searching for!"
~ Sanskrity from Sans Bookstation
Sera Mattsson, a passionate reporter, finds herself in more trouble than she could have ever imagined when she gets kidnapped to an island by a group of criminals. A love triangle forms as two men, Kai and Lei, find themselves smitten by Sera. Both men have attractive qualities; one warm and kind, the other tough and passionate. Will Sera be able to resist their temptations? Can Sera find a way off the island before surrendering to one of them?
Where to purchase:
You can click on the picture on the right to preview the book or the link below to go directly to the Amazon Kindle shop.
BUY HERE: Claimed: a Captive Romance Novel
I have a separate Instagram for my pen name: @the.sara.noona and on Tiktok: @saranoona
*** Claimed is a steamy romance novel. The book contains themes and tropes such as love triangle, kidnapping, protective male lead, pursuing, captivity, hot scenes and a HEA.
Warning: The story contains explicit content, violence, profanity, and topics that may be sensitive to some readers. Please see inside the book for a detailed list. Recommended for 18+.